
Helping to support a plastic free Christmas.

Helping to support a plastic free Christmas

The environment and helping to support a plastic free Christmas is something that we are really passionate about here at Cotswold Bauble Company, that’s why all of our packaging and materials are fully recyclable and environmentally friendly. All of our boxes are made using recycled materials, our box filling is 100% biodegradable and the jute twine used on our baubles is made from 100% jute fibres.

Our marabou feathers are sourced from eco-friendly suppliers, with the exception of natural malting.

For every box of four sold, we plant a tree with Ecologi, helping to reduce our carbon footprint.

Ecologi Tree Planting

It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising about 1.5C is to plant trees. They are also crucial to preventing ecological collapse.

Their tree planting partner The Eden Reforestation Projects plants millions of trees around the world each month and Ecologi are currently supporting their incredible work in Madagascar.