British Red Cross Partnership

2021 marks the third consecutive year that we have worked in partnership with the British Red Cross.

Our Partnership With The Red Cross

2021 marks the third consecutive year that we have worked in partnership with the British Red Cross. In 2019 we were invited to take part in a workshop with four refugees who each deigned their own bauble. We then recreated each of the refugee’s baubles which go on to be sold through the British Red Cross website, with money going to the charity.

There are four baubles including Loving Ocean, Balance, Love and Colours of Friendship. These are available in both boxes of four and individual boxes.
Loving Ocean – Created by a refugee who was inspired by the ocean and how its blue waters connect the whole world together.

Balance – The colours used on this stunning bauble were selected by a refugee who wanted to represent the balance of life and show that happiness is never too far away.

Love – The refugee that created this bauble was inspired by the love and kindness that the British Red Cross showed him.

Colours of Friendship – The colours used on this beautiful bauble were selected by a refugee who was inspired by his friend’s artwork.

‘Baubles by Refugees’ is one of the most popular Christmas campaigns that the British Red Cross has ever done with the baubles selling out in a number of days each year.